
49er Homestead de melodee

5 - RASPBERRIES AND Tpost They go hand and hand
49er Homestead
5 - RASPBERRIES AND Tpost They go hand and hand

A small family homestead in Northern California where we made the impossible possible. We moved from the busy Silicon Valley California the heart of tech world to the rural community of Northern California. On a limited income we have now bought our 3 acres of land with 2 homes communal showing others and ourselves how to live off the land as much as possible; but , moreover be just as back to the basics as possible. We live simply I work as an Emergency Room nurse in the heart of the COVID 19 crisis facing death on a daily basis while trying to maintain my sanity amongst the chaos!


Más episodios

  • 49er Homestead
    5 - RASPBERRIES AND Tpost They go hand and hand
    Sat, 08 Jan 2022
  • 49er Homestead
    4 - Get ready for spring get your baby chicks!
    Sat, 30 Jan 2021
  • 49er Homestead
    3 - FARMER cheez and HOW TO declare your homestead.. now go make that cheese!
    Mon, 11 Jan 2021
  • 49er Homestead
    2 - 49er Homestead communal family homestead
    Mon, 04 Jan 2021
  • 49er Homestead
    1 - 49er Homestead (Trailer)
    Sun, 03 Jan 2021
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