Hawaiʻi's New Ice Age: Crystal Meth in the Islands
4 - Episode 1: "45 Patients A Day"
4 - Episode 1: "45 Patients A Day"
The story of crystal methamphetamine in Hawai‘i touches nearly everyone in the islands. We see it in our court rooms, our emergency rooms, and in our families across multiple generations. Over the next month, you’ll hear these stories in our new podcast series, Hawai‘i’s New Ice Age: Crystal Meth in the Islands. And we also want to give you the opportunity to share yours.
More episodes
4 - Episode 1: "45 Patients A Day"Wed, 25 May 2016
3 - Episode 2: Hawai‘i’s Meth CultureWed, 01 Jun 2016
2 - Episode 3: Living the Meth LifeWed, 08 Jun 2016
1 - Episode 4: Who’s Got a Better Idea?Wed, 15 Jun 2016
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