
Daisy Ridley working with Barbra Streisand?

Did you know that Daisy Ridley, Rey from “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” sings?

She sings and has a lovely voice.

If this fact came as a surprise for you just knows that Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams was also in shock when in the middle of the set he heard Daisy singing with “the most beautiful voice” he’d ever heard.

This past week Daisy shared an Instagram with Barbra Streisand in a recording studio.

Ridley told on the Oscars red carpet, that she recorded a song with Barbra on Saturday and that she was a "legendary awe-inspiring jaw-dropping superstar.”.



I'm gonna end this spate of pictures detailing my insane weekend with this... Ummmmmmmmmmmm...

Uma foto publicada por @daisyridley a Mar 1, 2016 às 6:36 PST


Daisy Ridley singing “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” while promoting “Episode VII”:


Мар 05, 2016
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