
Story Station: Stories From Around The World

84 - S3 Episode 3: French Stories- “The Journey to Toulouse of the Animals who had Colds”, “Turlendu”, “The Three Pullets”
Story Station: Stories From Around The World
84 - S3 Episode 3: French Stories- “The Journey to Toulouse of the Animals who had Colds”, “Turlendu”, “The Three Pullets”

Story Station is a podcast where you can listen to ancient stories of wit & wisdom, from around the world! During the COVID-19 pandemic, with millions of kids stuck at home, we (my 8th-grade daughter & I) wanted to do something to keep them engaged and to create an avenue to gain knowledge of cultures around the world. Love your feedback. Stories are copyright-free, if any are not let us know. Exciting future plans- Have kids submit their read-aloud stories, in any language! Invest in better tools for professional quality. Thank you for listening. Enjoy! Annika & Dr. Krishna


More episodes

  • Story Station: Stories From Around The World
    84 - S3 Episode 3: French Stories- “The Journey to Toulouse of the Animals who had Colds”, “Turlendu”, “The Three Pullets”
    Sun, 19 Jun 2022
  • Story Station: Stories From Around The World
    83 - S3 Episode 2: American stories- “The Crumbling Silver”, “Pokepsie”, “Miss Britton’s Poker”
    Sat, 28 May 2022
  • Story Station: Stories From Around The World
    82 - S3 Episode 1: Iranian Stories- “The Wolf and the Goat”, “The City of Nothing-in-the-World”, “The Prince Who Didn't Exist”
    Sun, 20 Mar 2022
  • Story Station: Stories From Around The World
    81 - S2 Episode 37: South African Stories- “Lion and Baboon”, “The Jackal and the Wolf”, “Cloud Eating”
    Sun, 05 Dec 2021
  • Story Station: Stories From Around The World
    80 - S2 Episode 36: Filipino Stories- “The Sun and the Moon", “Tilin, the Rice Bird”, “The Serpent Eagle”
    Sun, 28 Nov 2021
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