Walcon FM diretta

Walcon FM

Walcon FM diretta

Unfavorite Pop Up

A proposito di Walcon FM

WalconFM is an electronic music portal broadcasting 24/7. We do not adhere to a specific genre so that each listener can find a part of himself. After listening to our radio for a couple of tens of minutes, you will understand whether it suits you (as you know, you can’t please everyone). Most of the tracks that have passed a tough selection on the air are extremely energetic and turn on from the first seconds, and some are calm and pacifying. On our air you will not find pauses and commercials, there is only music! 

While our spaceships are roaming the universe... We are immersed in music...Selected dance and electronic music in EDM, Future House, Future Bass, Drum & Bass, Dupstep and Deep House styles. 

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star star star star star




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