John Clayton Weekends
730 - Hour 3: Seattle Sports' Tribute to John Clayton
730 - Hour 3: Seattle Sports' Tribute to John Clayton
No one knew more about football than Seattle Sports' human database for everything NFL: “The Professor” John Clayton. His lifelong obsession with the game elevated Clayton from high school sports reporter to the writers’ wing of the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio. John sadly passed away on March 18, 2022, yet his legacy lives on through his intimate knowledge about the game of football.
Altri episodi
730 - Hour 3: Seattle Sports' Tribute to John ClaytonSat, 19 Mar 2022
729 - Hour 2: Seattle Sports' Tribute to John ClaytonSat, 19 Mar 2022
728 - Hour 1: Seattle Sports' Tribute to John ClaytonSat, 19 Mar 2022
727 - Hour 3: Three Time Super Bowl Champion LeGarrette BlountSat, 5 Mar 2022
726 - Hour 2: Seahawks Offseason RoundupSat, 5 Mar 2022
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