
Happy Teams

14 - Building High-Performing Teams: Tangent CEO Shares His Playbook
Happy Teams
14 - Building High-Performing Teams: Tangent CEO Shares His Playbook

Happy teams is a new podcast that seeks to teach business owners all about how to grow a thriving, positive workplace culture that boosts efficiency, helps retain your brightest and best talent and improves productivity across the field. With remote working and mental health now more relevant than ever, creating a workplace culture that allows team members to feel engaged, included and motivated is extremely important. But, for this to work successfully, a number of things need to fall in place and knowing what fits where isn’t always easy. On Happy Teams, we talk to some of the best digital agency and tech company leaders about how they create a workplace culture that delivers. We know full well that every business is different, so we cover all things from past success and failures, to how to cater your culture to individual personalities and why it is so important that businesses do all they can to make sure their talent is happy and feel at home when working for them. Each episode, Prodigi’s founders, David and Bachir, will be sharing some of their top tips and interviewing a new business leader. We’ve learned a lot whilst making these podcasts and hope that you will too.


Altri episodi

  • Happy Teams
    14 - Building High-Performing Teams: Tangent CEO Shares His Playbook
    Mon, 17 Jun 2024
  • Happy Teams
    13 - Achieving an agency exit with remote teams
    Mon, 10 Jun 2024
  • Happy Teams
    12 - How Space and Time outpaced the agency market by repositioning
    Mon, 03 Jun 2024
  • Happy Teams
    11 - How Liberty outgrew the industry by creating specialist agency brands
    Tue, 28 May 2024
  • Happy Teams
    10 - Digital Agency M&A: How hedgehog lab completed a successful agency merger
    Mon, 20 May 2024
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