
Relax its Just Cannabis

5 - Tracy's Story: "Why I thank God for Cannabis"
Relax its Just Cannabis
5 - Tracy's Story: "Why I thank God for Cannabis"

A THC and CBD infused podcast for mature Cannabis enthusiasts. A mix of interviews, cannabis news recap, product reviews, hot topics and tips to optimize marijuana smoking for the experienced cannabis consumer and the newly cannabis curious alike. An informative and entertaining podcast for the grown and sexy who've always enjoyed smoking weed as well as those looking to enhance their smoking experiences by taking a deeper dive into premium cannabis. We're evolving weed culture from the "stoner age" into a "growner" age. Out of the dark age and into the LIT age. So if you're a newbie or a flower child, WELCOME... Join us for a sesh. Relax... Roll one, smoke one and trip with us as we laugh and learn more about premium cannabis and the things we need to know and have to best enjoy it. If you're a casual smoker or passionate about cannabis this is YOUR podcast. So enjoy it! And remember... Keep cannabis classy. 


More episodes

  • Relax its Just Cannabis
    5 - Tracy's Story: "Why I thank God for Cannabis"
    Wed, 16 Nov 2022
  • Relax its Just Cannabis
    4 - Prerolls: The Best Introduction to Cannabis for Beginners - How to Choose the Best Prerolls with the Honeybee Collective's Chris Becker
    Tue, 01 Nov 2022
  • Relax its Just Cannabis
    3 - Cannabis Legalization, Social Equity and Reform with Shaleen Title Founder and CEO of Parabola Center
    Fri, 30 Sep 2022
  • Relax its Just Cannabis
    2 - Relax its Just Cannabis "The LIT age" , Dr. Daniele Piomelli interview
    Tue, 11 Jan 2022
  • Relax its Just Cannabis
    1 - Relax... Intro/Trailer
    Mon, 08 Nov 2021
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