
Heartland Labor Forum

1446 - On The Clock; What Low-Wage Work Did to Me and How It Drives America Insane and Leadville Colorado: Labor History at 10,000 Feet
Heartland Labor Forum
1446 - On The Clock; What Low-Wage Work Did to Me and How It Drives America Insane and Leadville Colorado: Labor History at 10,000 Feet

This podcast tracks the audio archives for the “Heartland Labor Forum” radio show. The Heartland Labor Forum is Kansas City’s only program about the workplace. It’s radio that talks back to the boss! Whether you’re a union member or your workplace isn’t organized, Heartland Labor Forum (HLF) has stories for you, guaranteed to inspire, educate, or enrage you.


More episodes

  • Heartland Labor Forum
    1446 - On The Clock; What Low-Wage Work Did to Me and How It Drives America Insane and Leadville Colorado: Labor History at 10,000 Feet
    Wed, 25 Sep 2024
  • Heartland Labor Forum
    1445 - What Do You Know About the Fair Labor Standards Act? and IBEW 124 Wins Paid Family Leave
    Tue, 17 Sep 2024
  • Heartland Labor Forum
    1444 - The Problems with Nursing Home Jobs and Disconnected Call Center Workers II
    Mon, 09 Sep 2024
  • Heartland Labor Forum
    1443 - Si Kahn at 80: Honoring a Life of Song and Activism
    Wed, 04 Sep 2024
  • Heartland Labor Forum
    1442 - Two Books: Debbie Goldman’s Disconnected: Call Center Workers Fight for Good Jobs in the Digital Age and Jake Friedman’s The Disney Revolt: The Great Labor War of Animation’s Golden Age
    Mon, 26 Aug 2024
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