
The Hungarian Heritage Podcast

34 - The Balassi Summer University Program & the 2nd Edition of Ilka's Kitchen with Ilka Kocsis
The Hungarian Heritage Podcast
34 - The Balassi Summer University Program & the 2nd Edition of Ilka's Kitchen with Ilka Kocsis

This is the Hungarian Heritage Podcast. Here, we are dedicated to leaning in and listening to Hungarians and non-Hungarians who have a deep understanding of Hungarian history, culture, traditions, food, travel, and everyday life experiences in Hungary or from just being Hungarian. Our approach will broaden and expand your connection to your Hungarian Heritage in a fun, modern, inclusive, and welcoming format. So if you were ever curious to know more about your Hungarian Heritage, or you're not even Hungarian and you want to learn more about this culture, then this is the place to be. Follow along as we interview, discover and share, and I am confident that no matter how Hungarian you are, or are not, you will enjoy this journey!


More episodes

  • The Hungarian Heritage Podcast
    34 - The Balassi Summer University Program & the 2nd Edition of Ilka's Kitchen with Ilka Kocsis
    Fri, 30 Aug 2024
  • The Hungarian Heritage Podcast
    33 - From Kitchen to Trail: Hungarian Chef Michael’s Culinary and Language Adventures
    Sat, 17 Aug 2024
  • The Hungarian Heritage Podcast
    32 - Argentinian Roots, Hungarian Threads: Himzes by Didi
    Wed, 07 Aug 2024
  • The Hungarian Heritage Podcast
    31 - Half a Century of Twists: Celebrating 50 Fun Facts About the Rubik's Cube Evolution
    Wed, 24 Jul 2024
  • The Hungarian Heritage Podcast
    30 - From Hungary to Texas: Michael and Brigitta's Culinary Journey
    Thu, 13 Jun 2024
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