
TRUSTED by your teenager with Kristen Duke

140 - Ep 30: Does parenting teens feel hopeless?
TRUSTED by your teenager with Kristen Duke
140 - Ep 30: Does parenting teens feel hopeless?

Ultimate parenting goal: to become TRUSTED. For some reason, it gets trickier in the teen years, and it can affect parenting adult children as well. Whether you are currently in the trenches with teens, or hanging with toddlers, this is for you, it doesn't hurt to PLAN AHEAD! You'll walk away with strategies for deliberate parenting that help to move beyond good intentions to a stronger family. Join the next TRUSTED Challenge and dig into common parenting blind spots along with group mentoring here: (held once a month) Or download my freebie on helping teens get creative with friend/dating activities here: Sharing daily on Instagram at @KristenDukeChats


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  • TRUSTED by your teenager with Kristen Duke
    140 - Ep 30: Does parenting teens feel hopeless?
    Wed, 25 Sep 2024
  • TRUSTED by your teenager with Kristen Duke
    139 - Ep 29: When your teen hurts your feelings
    Tue, 17 Sep 2024
  • TRUSTED by your teenager with Kristen Duke
    138 - Ep 28: How can I help my teen build confidence?
    Tue, 10 Sep 2024
  • TRUSTED by your teenager with Kristen Duke
    137 - Ep 27: How can I validate my teenager and not annoy them?
    Tue, 03 Sep 2024
  • TRUSTED by your teenager with Kristen Duke
    136 - Ep: 26 How to not be scared with your teenage driver
    Tue, 27 Aug 2024
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