Gugs FM

Gugs FM

Gugs FM

Unfavorite Pop Up

O Gugs FM

GUGS FM Yeyakho Nawe... Gugs FM content covers news and events all over the country. We features exclusive celebrity interviews, entertainment industry gossip, hip hop music, as well as special interest topics including health, finance, education, lifestyle and leisure. Gugs FM is not for everyone. We cater to a unique demographic that is young, growing and multicultural. Gugs FM represents Cape Town’s rapidly growing black middle class with listeners falling in the LSM 5-7 bracket. If you want to reach Cape Town’s big spenders speak to them through Cape Town’s most powerful youth radio. Do you want to influence a young growing market in the Cape Town? Make sure you choose Gugs FM, because no other youth radio station in Cape Town does it better than Gugs FM.

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106 Adderley Street, Cape Town, 8000
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