The CSR Podcast (from the University of Warwick)
6 - Brett Mottram on Gavin Douglas' Translation of Vegio
6 - Brett Mottram on Gavin Douglas' Translation of Vegio
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6 - Brett Mottram on Gavin Douglas' Translation of VegioMon, 27 Aug 2018
5 - (STVDIO) Prof. Liam Semler on the English GrotesqueThu, 26 Oct 2017
4 - 'Talking Tasso' with Chris Geekie from Johns Hopkins UniversityFri, 25 Nov 2016
3 - The 'Renaissance from Below' with Prof. Beat KüminThu, 24 Nov 2016
2 - Team Print! With Gloria Moorman and Rebecca CarnevaliThu, 24 Nov 2016
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