
Film Garage Podcast - Movies - TV - Reviews

14 - DC CrossOver CW
Film Garage Podcast - Movies - TV - Reviews
14 - DC CrossOver CW

During the course of my adult life I have acquired an eclectic taste in movies and TV shows. As a college student getting more involved in making indie films I learned very early to watch everything so I could identify what a good and bad story look like. People will always disagree on what they consider to be a good story which is why I created Film Garage Podcast. I want to give people a voice to say what they consider to be great in their eyes. This will give others a chance to experience new stories and open doors to new ideas. This movement will allow independent and mainstream to become one conversation. Something that hasn’t happened yet in my opinion but I’m looking to change that. In this new world of rising stars that come from everywhere else but Hollywood, it’s important that they are also included in the conversation. People are are still going to see movies at their local theater but people also want to know what great movie or TV show came out that they can watch at home. The cord cutter’s dream is becoming a reality sooner than anyone anticipated. People need to know where they can find all the great content whether it be a YouTube rising star, an indie filmmaker that just struck his first deal, or an established actor that made a movie about a story worth telling. Subscribe to my podcast and become a part of the voice to change the dynamics of the industry reflecting what people truly enjoy watching on their TV.


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