Radio Free Detroit

Radio Free Detroit

Radio Free Detroit

Unfavorite Pop Up

Tentang Radio Free Detroit

Radio Free Detroit is a 24 hour non-profit online radio station that focuses on showcasing podcasts and shows from the underrepresented voices - Such as non-profit organizations - in an effort to promote them. Radio Free Detroit seeks to give a voice to the voiceless, offering a diverse range of voices, programming and perspectives to the broader public by highlighting diverse voices. Started in 2004, Radio Free Detroit offers free diverse programming for satellite radio, secondary HD Radio stations, on-line radio stations and community radio stations. Radio Free Detroit provides community organizations and individuals broadcasting opportunities and training under the Local Community Radio Acts where broadcasting resources are limited or not readily available. Radio Free Detroit currently operates as a legal non-licensed FCC PART 15 broadcast radio station with future plans of obtaining a Low Power FM radio station license under the Local Community Radio Act and a shortwave broadcast radio station license or AM station license during the next open application-filing window. Radio Free Detroit is a registered non-profit corporation in the state of Michigan.

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